
our vision & mission

to provide every hendersonian with a solid foundation in scientific concepts to aid lifelong learning.

to nurture individuals with enquiring minds, critical awareness and appreciation of the co-existence of man and the environment.


Welcome to the Science Family!

During the 4 to 5 years in Henderson, our students go through a challenging and interesting Science curriculum, which is made up of the following disciplines - Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In the Lower Secondary levels, our students take General Science.

For students studying in:

The Express and Normal (Academic) streams
In Secondary One, the focus is on Physics and Biology topics. In Secondary Two, the focus is on Physics and Chemistry topics. In Upper Secondary level, students have a combination of choice within the three disciplines.

The Normal (Technical) streams
In Secondary One, the focus is on Physics and Chemistry topics. In Secondary Two, the focus is on Chemistry and Biology topics. In Secondary Three, the focus is on Physics Topics. In Secondary Four, the focus is on Chemistry and Biology topics.

Some of our approaches are:

Self-directed learning aided with information technology through inquiry-based learning and online learning programme, e.g. sciberdiver, modules involving usage of dataloggers

Enhanced Learning Experience through learning journeys and competitions.

Enjoy exploring!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Welcome Back Hendersonians! 

We've left 2014 behind and are now cruising along with 2015. Missing the past? Or did the year go by in a blur for you? If you belong to the latter, here's your chance to see a snapshot of the amazing science moments in 2014. Click on the following text and prepare to have your brains boggled: 

It's the start of a new year and we're already a week into it. Fret not, there are plenty of dazzling science experiments, fun and informative learning journeys and activities coming your way. Do keep your eyes and ears peeled for more news. 

May this year be the best one yet for you! 
Work hard and make us proud. 

With much love,
Your HSS Science Teachers

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A blast with Science Week 2014!

It was a scorching hot mid-morning and yet, enthusiastic students made their way to the soccer field and waited to launch their handmade PET rockets. Each launch of a rocket was accompanied by loud excited squeals, as students were amazed at the speed of and distance covered by their humble rockets.

The PET Rocket activity was just one of the many exciting activities helmed by the Science Department for the week long Science Week in Term 3 Week 5. Now in its second year running, the Science Week gave HSS Science teachers an opportunity to share their love for Science with students outside of the classrooms.

Different learners had different opportunities to experience the fun in Science and at their own comfort level. Kinaesthetic learners could try their hand at launching PET rockets and playing the D&I Science games and Periodic Table games with their friends, while auditory learners could listen to their schoolmates share their experiences in different Science enrichment workshops and camps. Daily magic shows, Science quizzes, and Science posters and displays were just some of the activities to engage our visual learners.
The Science Week was a clear success with more students seen being involved in and excited by the activities. Needless to say, the Science teachers are certainly more enthused to stage it with a bigger bang next year!

Take a look at the pictures below!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fun with Science!

This year, our HSS students from 1T1 and 2T1 participated in MindFest on 26 March and 2 April. MindFest is organized by the Science Centre and aims to encourage the exploration of science, arts and technology through creative, immersive and enjoyable tinkering activities. And what fun our students had tinkering with everyday items!

Our 1T1 students utilized concepts in force & pressure, and energy to build their own balloon powered racers and launch their handmade bows and arrows. Using their understanding of electricity, they crafted jewelry which lit up easily. Our students also had fun creating beautiful and unique light reflections using paper.

Our 2T1 students also created their own jewelry using electric circuits.  In addition, they designed rockets using just air and body strength, and had tremendous fun launching these in the air. They even had a friendly competition to see whose rocket could go the farthest or highest. J

All in all, it was two days of absolute fun learning Science!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Starting the 2014 with a BaNG!

On 10 February 2014, our Secondary 3 and 4 students taking pure Chemistry visited NUS Science Demo Lab for Surprising Science. a new initiative by NUS with sponsorship from Dow Chemical Company. Students enjoyed making bubbles, rubber figurines and slime from household materials. They learnt the chemistry behind these everyday objects by carrying out experiments through this fun-filled programme.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

YAY to 2013!

Congrats to Jerin Akash (2E2), Ghim Leung (2E2), Jack (2E2), Darren (1E2), Bryan (1E2) and Ben (1N3) for making HSS proud in the annual Engineering & Science Challenge 2013.
Our car was awarded the most beautifully designed Car for the 4th year running! All the hours have paid off and we look forward to sustaining our record again in 2014.

It has been an eventful year for the Science Department:. We had the: UNSW Science competition, PETrocket competition, Learning Journeys to the Science Centre, Alexandra Canal and NUS, EduTorque Competition and Science Week 2013. We had fun and hope you did too!

Have a good recharge & we'll catch you next year!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Energy efficient car Preliminaries!

Here's what some of us were up to this
morning -- the annual engineering science week car competition.

 We are eagerly awaiting the results to see if we qualified for the finals! Wish us luck :)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Candy Makers

Some snapshots of our Secondary 1E1 and 1E2 Candy Makers.
Last week, they embarked on a Learning Journey to the Science Centre to learn Kitchen Science which included making Candy floss and Lollipops!  

Evening Academy 20.08.13

It's the last lap to the O and N levels and our Hendersonians have been faithfully attending the night study sessions happening everyday from 630 to 830pm.

Lets cheer our sec 4 and 5 students as they get ready for the final showdown in sept (N levels) and oct( O levels)! 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Thank you, Hendersonsians!

For being part of Science week! We had fun and hope you did too! If you have suggestions for future Science weeks, or  perhaps you'd like to perform a magic trick, do drop us a note! 

Keep that science-y flame burning!!! 

Love, Your HSSS teachers :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sec 3 Physics Learning Journey to NUS (30/7)

Hi Hendersonians!

Its August! What a spectacular birthday celebration to look forward to next week (and of course, the long weekend)!! 

Some of our Sec 3s went on a Physics Learning Journey to NUS science demonstration laboratory on tuesday (30.7). They were captivated by several interesting science phenomenons such as the levitating superconducting magnet, Faraday cage and Wimshurst machine. These engaging demonstrations allowed them to experience science outside a classroom and hands-on meant student had a chance to experience some authentic science!

Teachers had a hard time getting students to leave the lab :)



[Xianda (3E2) shows off some muscle.]

[jane of 3e1 creating some water magic]

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Science week Snapshots; Day 3!

Hi Hendersonians! 

Have you been checking out the displays around school? 

If you've yet to join us at the field, here are some snapshots of some PET-rockin' fun that happened today! 

Catch us at the field during your recess tomorrow as we wrap up Science week 2013! Rumour says that there are still prizes to be snapped up just by answering some simple questions. Better whip out your QR code scanner now!


Your favourite hss science teachers :)

Friday, July 19, 2013


Science Week is finally happening again!

It'd be held on the week of 29th July. Look forward to some PET Rocket shooting stations, displays from Singapore Science Centre and exciting booths! There are also vouchers up for grabs just by answering a simple quiz!

Look forward to seeing you guys there!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Biology Learning Journey

Our Secondary 3 and 4 Biology students embarked on their learning journey at the Science Centre on the 27th March 2013. They learnt more about genetic diseases and had the opportunity to carry out DNA separation using Gel electrophoresis.