
our vision & mission

to provide every hendersonian with a solid foundation in scientific concepts to aid lifelong learning.

to nurture individuals with enquiring minds, critical awareness and appreciation of the co-existence of man and the environment.


Welcome to the Science Family!

During the 4 to 5 years in Henderson, our students go through a challenging and interesting Science curriculum, which is made up of the following disciplines - Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In the Lower Secondary levels, our students take General Science.

For students studying in:

The Express and Normal (Academic) streams
In Secondary One, the focus is on Physics and Biology topics. In Secondary Two, the focus is on Physics and Chemistry topics. In Upper Secondary level, students have a combination of choice within the three disciplines.

The Normal (Technical) streams
In Secondary One, the focus is on Physics and Chemistry topics. In Secondary Two, the focus is on Chemistry and Biology topics. In Secondary Three, the focus is on Physics Topics. In Secondary Four, the focus is on Chemistry and Biology topics.

Some of our approaches are:

Self-directed learning aided with information technology through inquiry-based learning and online learning programme, e.g. sciberdiver, modules involving usage of dataloggers

Enhanced Learning Experience through learning journeys and competitions.

Enjoy exploring!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fun with Science!

This year, our HSS students from 1T1 and 2T1 participated in MindFest on 26 March and 2 April. MindFest is organized by the Science Centre and aims to encourage the exploration of science, arts and technology through creative, immersive and enjoyable tinkering activities. And what fun our students had tinkering with everyday items!

Our 1T1 students utilized concepts in force & pressure, and energy to build their own balloon powered racers and launch their handmade bows and arrows. Using their understanding of electricity, they crafted jewelry which lit up easily. Our students also had fun creating beautiful and unique light reflections using paper.

Our 2T1 students also created their own jewelry using electric circuits.  In addition, they designed rockets using just air and body strength, and had tremendous fun launching these in the air. They even had a friendly competition to see whose rocket could go the farthest or highest. J

All in all, it was two days of absolute fun learning Science!

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